Test-and-treat technique for Helicobacter pylori (HP) contamination in more aged patients


The pervasiveness of HP contamination is higher in more established versus more youthful populaces, coming to more than 70% of subjects with HP-related pathologies, and more than half in asymptomatic subjects. Regardless of whether the clinical qualities, epidemiological dissemination, demonstrative and restorative methodologies of HP contamination in the geriatric patient have been accounted for the quantity of more seasoned subjects screened what's more, treated for HP disease are restricted in Western nations counting the US. From a progression of clinical examinations there is proof that: (I) screening and treatment for HP disease is just somewhat higher than half in older patients (ii) in particular 40–half of geriatric patients hospitalized due to peptic illness counting discharge, have been tried for the presence of the contamination and (iii) just 50–70% of HP-positive more established patients have been treated with anti-infection agents.

HP-eradication therapy has substantially modified the natura course of peptic ulcer disease, with numerous studies suggesting a remarkable relapse rate reduction for duodenal and gastric ulcers after successful HP-eradication. Hence, HPeradicating therapy is strongly recommended in duodenal and gastric ulcer disease, but also in mucosa-associated lymphoidtissue, atrophic gastritis, postgastric cancer resection, and recommended in other conditions, according to the recent Maastricht III consensus conference. Furthermore, this conference emphasized the role of HP in the prevention of gastric cancer. Gastric cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths annually and up to 80% of non-cardiac gastric adenocarcinomas are attributable to HP infection.

From 195 older subjects screened, 140 subjects resulted positive for C13-urea breath test, corresponding to 71.8%. There were no significant differences in the distribution of endoscopic findings according to the presence or absence of symtomatology. The presence of erosive or micro-erosive pathology (including erosive gastritis, erosive duodenitis, and erosive gastroduodenitis), gastric or duodenal ulcer, and reflux esophagitis were similar in symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects. Among symptomatic patients, the type of symtomatology was not linked to any specific organic pathology. Micro-erosive and peptic lesions exhibited non-specific symptoms including much different combination of symptoms, varying widely among affected patients (Table 2). In patients with gastroesophageal reflux the typical symptoms of reflux (pyrosis, acid regurgitation) were present in almost 60% of the subjects. Symptomatology in subjects without any lesion at gastric endoscopic exploration was also variable and non-specific, without any clear nosographic distribution. Hence, these data confirm that also in older patients it is not possible to formulate an accurate differential diagnosis between organic pathology and functional disorders of the upper gastrointestinal tract based only on symptomatology, even with a rigorous analysis. None of the specific symptomatologic group with or without organic pathology had different responsiveness to HP-eradicating treatment. It is noteworthy that even in the asymptomatic group there was a high frequency of organic pathology (about 40%), which was similar in frequency distribution to that of the symptomatic group. Hence, HP-positivity may entail damage even in the absence of clinical manifestation. Concerning the pharmacological treatment, we observed that in the two groups, symptomatic and asymptomatic, eradication was reached in 87.9% of the patients with minimal secondary effects, which did not prevent the conclusion of full treatment. There were no significant differences in eradication for symptomatic or asymptomatic patients. In the whole treated group there were 7 dropouts (5%), subjects who did not completed the therapy or did not come for the second C13-urea breath test to verify eradication. The number of dropouts was similar among asymptomatic and symptomatic subjects. All of these subjects were contacted by telephone calls and the reasons for dropout were confirmed not to be medical-related.

The pervasiveness of HP contamination is higher in more established versus more youthful populaces, coming to more than 70% of subjects with HP-related pathologies, and more than half in asymptomatic subjects. Regardless of whether the clinical qualities, epidemiological dissemination, demonstrative and restorative methodologies of HP contamination in the geriatric patient have been accounted for the quantity of more seasoned subjects screened what's more, treated for HP disease are restricted in Western nations counting the US. From a progression of clinical examinations there is proof that: (I) screening and treatment for HP disease is just somewhat higher than half in older patients (ii) in particular 40–half of geriatric patients hospitalized due to peptic illness counting discharge, have been tried for the presence of the contamination and (iii) just 50–70% of HP-positive more established patients have been treated with anti-infection agents.

HP-eradication therapy has substantially modified the natura course of peptic ulcer disease, with numerous studies suggesting a remarkable relapse rate reduction for duodenal and gastric ulcers after successful HP-eradication. Hence, HPeradicating therapy is strongly recommended in duodenal and gastric ulcer disease, but also in mucosa-associated lymphoidtissue, atrophic gastritis, postgastric cancer resection, and recommended in other conditions, according to the recent Maastricht III consensus conference. Furthermore, this conference emphasized the role of HP in the prevention of gastric cancer. Gastric cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths annually and up to 80% of non-cardiac gastric adenocarcinomas are attributable to HP infection.

From 195 older subjects screened, 140 subjects resulted positive for C13-urea breath test, corresponding to 71.8%. There were no significant differences in the distribution of endoscopic findings according to the presence or absence of symtomatology. The presence of erosive or micro-erosive pathology (including erosive gastritis, erosive duodenitis, and erosive gastroduodenitis), gastric or duodenal ulcer, and reflux esophagitis were similar in symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects. Among symptomatic patients, the type of symtomatology was not linked to any specific organic pathology. Micro-erosive and peptic lesions exhibited non-specific symptoms including much different combination of symptoms, varying widely among affected patients (Table 2). In patients with gastroesophageal reflux the typical symptoms of reflux (pyrosis, acid regurgitation) were present in almost 60% of the subjects. Symptomatology in subjects without any lesion at gastric endoscopic exploration was also variable and non-specific, without any clear nosographic distribution. Hence, these data confirm that also in older patients it is not possible to formulate an accurate differential diagnosis between organic pathology and functional disorders of the upper gastrointestinal tract based only on symptomatology, even with a rigorous analysis. None of the specific symptomatologic group with or without organic pathology had different responsiveness to HP-eradicating treatment. It is noteworthy that even in the asymptomatic group there was a high frequency of organic pathology (about 40%), which was similar in frequency distribution to that of the symptomatic group. Hence, HP-positivity may entail damage even in the absence of clinical manifestation. Concerning the pharmacological treatment, we observed that in the two groups, symptomatic and asymptomatic, eradication was reached in 87.9% of the patients with minimal secondary effects, which did not prevent the conclusion of full treatment. There were no significant differences in eradication for symptomatic or asymptomatic patients. In the whole treated group there were 7 dropouts (5%), subjects who did not completed the therapy or did not come for the second C13-urea breath test to verify eradication. The number of dropouts was similar among asymptomatic and symptomatic subjects. All of these subjects were contacted by telephone calls and the reasons for dropout were confirmed not to be medical-related.

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