Healthy child makes healthy Nation
Pediatrics is a branch of medicine that deals with infants, children and adolescents and their diseases. A child's physician provides not only medical care for children who are acutely or chronically ill but also preventive health services for healthy children. This category includes news on childhood diseases and illnesses, parenting tips, learning and development, social skills, breastfeeding and infant care.
From developing groundbreaking treatments for deadly chronic diseases to saving babies who are born premature, pediatric researchers have increased the ability of children to live full and fulfilling lives that only a few decades before would have been tragically cut short. Without these pioneering researchers and the federal funding that drives their efforts, innovations in pediatric medicine would have gone undeveloped at great cost to the nation's children and their families.
Journal of Pediatric Care aims to distribute information on all scientific ground and social aspects related to pediatric issues and neonatal care. Journal of Pediatric Care is a journal published bimonthly issues and is adamant to publish all topics related to Pediatrics, Neonates, Children and Adolescents research in English language. We welcome original research articles, review articles, editorials, case reports, and others from any part of the world. The broader scope of the journal will consider submissions in the following areas: pediatric medicine, neonatal care, medicinal aspect of behavior development, care in neonatal intensive care unit, social care of infants and children and their impact on the behaviour etc.
Manuscripts are reviewed by members of the international editorial board and our expert peer reviewers, then either accepted for publication or rejected by the chief editor. Shorter articles are particularly welcome.
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Each submitted article will go through a plagiarism check followed by peer review process under the vigilance of an Editorial Board member. Articles will be accepted only after receiving at least two positive comments and after the consent of the assigned Editor. The journal performs a rapid review while maintaining the quality of the articles.
Editorial office
Pediatric Care
ISSN: 2471- 805X
Index Copernicus: 82.75